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Important Caravan Maintenance Tips before you head off.


Updated: Jul 19, 2023

The wet season is behind us and the "Great Northern Migration" is on.

With so much excitement it is easy to forget that your caravan has probably been sitting idle for the past few months and like any machine it will need some TLC before putting it to back work. So grab a socket set, a couple of shifters and lets have a look at our home on wheels:

  1. Tyres & Rims - Have a think about the age of your tyres - Old tyres can be deadly Check for visual signs of cracking in the rubber or loose tread. Have a close look at your rims for any chips or cracks that could cause issues. BIG TIP - don't forget the Spare/s...!

  2. Bearings - When was the last time you had them inspected, serviced or changed?

  3. Coupling - This is the only thing connecting your car to your pride & joy. Check it for cracks, give it a grease and make sue the bearing is lubricated.

  4. Chains & Shackles - Should something happen, you need to know that the shackles are going to rescue your pride & joy. Are the chains and welds in good condition? Are the D-Shackles rated for your van or are they too small?

  5. Check your Driving Lights - Check they all work when plugged into the tow vehicle i.e. brake lights, indicators etc

  6. Grease your Nipples – There are normally grease nipples on your jockey wheel, coupling, swing arms and hubs that can easily be accessed.

  7. Check your suspension bolts – Check the swing arm bolts where the trailer connects to the swing arms are tight and there are no visual defects.

  8. Check your wheel hub bolts - If you have a bolt on axle, ensure your hub bolts are done up tight.

  9. Check wheel Nuts - Check with the manufacturer as to the torque setting and ensure your wheel nuts are not too loose or too tight. Over-tightening will lead to the wheel falling off and shearing the bolts.

  10. Are your batteries charged? You MUST always keep your battery charge level above 11.6volts. If your battery is old, have a look at replacement options and test the life in the battery with a quick battery tester from places like Jaycar.

  11. Grab A Shifter – there is nothing better than grabbing a shifter/socket set or spanner set and doing a quick tension check on all the visual nuts and bolts. Especially if you do a lot of off road/corrugated road driving.

  12. Check your electronic brakes and the controller actually work - each manufacturer is different - refer to the electronic brake controller manual.

  13. Ensure everything is secure – the last thing you want is to get to your destination and the camp chairs are somewhere on the Bruce highway…!!!

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